For breakfast at the hotel, I had bread with raspberry jam, brown eggs (so far I haven't seen white ones anywhere, so maybe brown is more common), coffee, and a sandwich made of fresh deli meats and delicious bread rolls.
Christian picked me up at my checkout time and we drove back into Frankfurt.
We spent a while at the Frankfurt Zoo, which I would say is fairly comparable to Milwaukee's. Maybe a little bit smaller.
For non-German speaking readers... I'm pretty sure this means exactly what you think it does. I just had to laugh.
Me and a monkey (Affe). He was fun to take pictures with.
I think it was because he was so excited about it.
This picture turned out really cute, but he actually looked like a tiny old man.
This is a shrew (Russelspringer). The name is kind of cute because Russel means "trunk" like an elephant, and springer means "jumper" just like English!
They had a lot of exotic birds. I don't remember what this one was, but I thought he looked really cool.
After the zoo, Christian drove me to a nice Italian restaurant. The pizza was amazing - all the ingredients were fresh and they made everything right in front of you. On our pizza we had cheese (Kase), pinapples (Ananas), and very thin slices of ham (Fleisch). Of course, we had to have the traditional German drink of sparkling water (Mineralwasser) to go with it.
Again, the old mixes with the new in Frankfurt. These are some old Roman ruins near the middle of town.
The ruins were right next to a cathedral Christian wanted to show me. He said it was similar to the one in Cologne (Koln).
This is the interior. The whole inside was "t" shaped. The top of the "t" was the altar area and then the two wings on the side and the one straight in front of the altar came off of that. It reminded me of the layout of WLC's chapel quite a lot.
Along the walls by the pews were a lot of carvings and very old paintings. This was a carving that I particularly liked, but I think it might be partially because their head to body size ratio.
After the cathedral, Christian and I headed over to my train station (Bahnhof) to board my 8pm train (Zug).
It was extremely busy, even for being a later night train. The whole station was very interesting though.
The view was not as mountainous as I expected, but it was very pretty. I took this picture about 9, maybe even a little later. Notice it's still pretty bright outside. There is a fairly bright sunrise around 4:30am and there is still traces of the last light in the sky at 10pm. When I got off the train around 10 it was nice to see it wasn't completely dark out yet.
Well that was most of my day yesterday. I'm waiting outside about to call a taxi and I think I've been putting it off long enough. It's just nice to know I'm in Goettingen and can now just get used to the town a little bit and enjoy it a little more knowing I'm not rushed.
I miss everyone back home! Skype has been a real money saver in being able to make calls back home, the biggest problem is just the time difference, and that's not horrible to get over most of the time.
Tomorrow I move into school! Stay posted for updates on my move-in!
Alles gute!
First off, those monkeys are creepy. That one is totally checking you out too.
ReplyDeleteThat cathedral looks really cool, thats the kind of stuff i was expecting to see all over Germany.
That pizza looks awesome, so the ham is basically called flesh..!?
The rhino picture is the coolest, violent pooping could be a problem, i can see why they would need a sign.
You should get a trunk jumper, he looks pretty cool. Thats awesome you're able to see so much stuff there, its awesome being able to check back on here and see stuff all the time.
lol Fleisch is the general word for meat. I think ham is Schweinefleisch (pig meat) but I didn't want to post that if I wasn't sure. And yes, Fleisch is a lot like flesh. I'm hoping people will realize we have a lot of related words through this blog.